DSAK, Rosita Uli Sinaga menyampaikan informasi terkini tentang capaian
konvergensi IFRS di Indonesia di depan konferensi penyusun standar dunia
di London, kamis 25 Oktober 2012. World Standard Setters Conference
(WSS) adalah konferensi tahunan yang diselenggarakan oleh IASB untuk
meminta masukan dari para penyusun standar tingkat negara. WSS setiap
tahun diadakan di London dan dihadiri pula oleh observer dari organisasi
lain yang menjadi pemangku kepentingan IFRS seperti IOSCO dan European
ini sangat penting untuk menentukan arah perkembangan IFRS di masa
depan. Indonesia tahun ini diwakili oleh ketua DSAK Rosita Uli Sinaga
dan penasihan teknis IAI Ersa Tri Wahyuni terlibat dalam diskusi-diskusi
hangat bersama para penyusun standar akuntansi negara lain dan IASB.
Berikut adalah pidato ketua DSAK Rosita Uli Sinaga di dalam kegiatan World Standard Setters Conference:
DSAK Chairman’s speech in World Standard Setter Conference London, 25 October 2012.
the member of G20, Indonesia is committed to actively support the G20
recommendation to achieve one global high quality accounting standard.
Indonesia has made significant progress on IFRS convergence. As of
today, our local accounting standards have converged to IFRS except for
IAS 41 Agriculture and IFRIC 15 about Real Estate. Although we have not
decided a date of full IFRS adoption, we will continue minimising the
differences between Indonesian standards and IFRS. We are planning to
conduct a research on the benefit and cost analysis on IFRS
Implementation in Indonesia next year.
year we faced many implementation challenges especially multi
interpretation issues among users. We have submitted two discussion
papers to IFRIC as the example of IFRS multi interpretation in
Indonesia. One paper is about Accounting for Land and another one is
about accounting for telecommunication tower.
two examples have caused debate on the national scale because the size
of disputable assets is significant; there are many other disputes among
practitioners, between companies, auditors and regulators. It is not
easy for an emerging country in their first year of IFRS convergence to
move from rule based to principle-based accounting standard.
ensure consistent applica tion of accounting for land, Indonesia
accounting standard board has issued our local interpretation which has
considered specific land legal framework in Indonesia and treat the land
right as PPE. We believe there should be formal mechanism in place to
ensure consistent application of IFRS, both locally and internationally.
In a very rare circumstance, national standard setter may decide to
issue their own interpretation or guidance, which need to be considered
in compliance with IFRS.
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