Selasa, 01 Maret 2011

IFRS Discussion Forum Managing Companies in Transiti on to IFRS: Lessons Learned from Japan - March 7th 2011

Background :

2011 is a crucial year for Indonesian companies as this is the year when 16 new IFRS-based standards are to be effective. The Indonesian Insti tute of Accountants has set 2012 as the year of convergence, where the local accounti ng standards (PSAK) will be substanti ally converged with IFRS and no material diff erences with IFRS as of January 2009 are present.

In the year IFRS-based standards are going to be implemented, many Indonesian companies are anxious about the preparati on and implementati on challenges that they have to bear. Therefore it is very important for Indonesian companies’ key decision makers to learn from other countries’ experience.

Japan who is currently in a similar convergence stage as Indonesia provides valuable examples on how Japanese companies prepare themselves in dealing with IFRS implementati on process.

Taking this into considerati on, the Indonesian Insti tute of Accountants plans to host a discussion forum on March to present an opportunity for Indonesian companies to learn from their Japanese colleagues. The expected number of participants is maximum of 50 people. Key decision makers from Indonesian companies will be invited to share their concerns about IFRS implementati on in Indonesia and to learn from Japan’s experience.

The Date: Monday, March 7th 2011

The Venue: The Indonesian Institute of Accountants

Grha Akuntan, Jl. Sindanglaya No. 1 Menteng, Jakarta 10310

Targeted Participants: Key decision makers from Indonesian companies

Speakers: Dudi M. Kurniawan, Ak., MBA, CPA (Chairman of IAI IFRS Implementati on Team)

Prof. Susumu Ueno, President of APMAA (Asia Pacific Management Accounting Association)

Investment: Rp 500.000,00 (Seat is very limited, first come first serve basis)



The Indonesian Insti tute of Accountants

Grha Akuntan, Jl. Sindanglaya No. 1 Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10310

Phone (6221) 319 04232, Fax. (6221) 724 5078

Website:, Email:, dsak

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